Baba, or many of us also called him Kakaji, our own beloved YRD- Yadav Rao ji Deshmukh. I first met him in childhood of which I have no memories, but my father always tells me about the same. Father talks at length that how while doing his under-graduation and post-graduation he used to follow and regularly attend RSS BHU/Lanka Shakha. Those were the times of emergency in Bharat and mass hostel checking were being conducted. How my father and his Sanghi friends used to hide their works. He also elaborates his meetings with Baba’s elder brother and visiting his home often those days.
After attaining my primary schooling we left Banaras to never return. We all have our careers, our choices, our lifestyles. But, Sangh was and will always be an integral part of our family.
I started my career in journalism with no big brother to support. Got a job in a news channel but was not satisfied with the way news was treated in news industry. I was looking for more research oriented, analysis based news and then I was bestowed with a chance by none other Baba’s son, also a YRD to work in his research firm. I learnt all the basics of news, research, election, politics, governance and life from those six years that I spent under the leadership and guidance of both YRDs.
It was rare that we use to meet Kaka ji/ Baba. But his small chats used to always leave a long-lasting impact. Baba used to be very specific while talking and discussing politics, elections, society and development with us. He would always say that whatever political viewpoint you support never ever become a fundamentalist. The day you crossover that thin line, you will fail to achieve your aim. I used to discuss this with my colleagues but not many were interested. Father also was working then and we seldom got chances to have quality discussions. But, post my father’s retirement those words said by Baba became a guide book for me. Not only it helped me in understanding the essence of Nationalism, Hindutva, RSS; it’s also helping me in my daily life.
I remember once Baba was at office during assembly polls and he was discussing with us about Mr. Narendra Modi (then Gujarat CM) & Nitish Kumar’s and politics of development. At that point only he said, in another 5-7 years politics of hatred, castism will start losing to politics of development. And 2014 General Elections, altogether wrote new history of electoral geography, economics and politics of Bharat.
Since the time Baba got bed ridden and was identified with cancer, I was trying to meet him, but somehow or the other it wasn’t happening. Two days before Baba left all of us mortally to stay with us immortally, he was fine and he saw us there at his hospital room. Though we didn’t had a word with him, but the way he looked us it was like he was saying take care and be good and always remember a true Sanghi is never a fundamentalist.
And then on Saturday morning we were informed that Baba has left his body for us to live in our hearts. Baba, am not going to miss you as you are always going to be there with us to guide us, to light us and make all of us a better individual.
Best Regards Baba.